When a threat is detected, further analysis may be required. Security services offering ATP typically handle threat analysis, enabling enterprises to conduct business as usual while continuous monitoring, threat analysis, and response occurs behind the scenes. Threats are typically prioritized by potential damage and the classification or sensitivity of the data at risk. Advanced threat protection should address three key areas:
Halting attacks in progress or mitigating threats before they breach systems
Disrupting activity in progress or countering actions that have already occurred as a result of a breach
Interrupting the lifecycle of the attack to ensure that the threat is unable to progress or proceed
The primary benefit offered by advanced threat protection software is the ability to prevent, detect, and respond to new and sophisticated attacks that are designed to circumvent traditional security solutions such as antivirus, firewalls, and IPS/IDS. Attacks continue to become increasingly targeted, stealthy, and persistent, and ATP solutions take a proactive approach to security by identifying and eliminating advanced threats before data is compromised.
Advanced threat protection services build on this benefit by providing access to a global community of security professionals dedicated to monitoring, tracking, and sharing information about emerging and identified threats. ATP service providers typically have access to global threat information sharing networks, augmenting their own threat intelligence and analysis with information from third parties. When a new, advanced threat is detected, ATP service providers can update their defenses to ensure protection keeps up. This global community effort plays a substantial role in maintaining the security of enterprises around the world.
Enterprises that implement advanced threat protection are better able to detect threats early and more quickly formulate a response to minimize damage and recover should an attack occur. A good security provider will focus on the lifecycle of an attack and manage threats in real-time. ATP providers notify the enterprise of attacks that have occurred, the severity of the attack, and the response that was initiated to stop the threat in its tracks or minimize data loss. Whether managed in-house or provided as a service, advanced threat protection solutions secure critical data and systems, no matter where the attack originates or how major the attack or potential attack is perceived.