Each year, data security becomes an ever more critical concern among small and medium sized businesses as cyberattacks become increasingly rapid and widespread. Throughout the business, government and healthcare sectors, attacks have persisted with great frequency despite the use of advanced high-tech, in-house security systems. In more than a third of these cases, the attacks occur within seconds, leaving the targeted parties little time to recoup their losses.
LG Networks’ SOC as a Service is a crucial investment for your small or medium sized business. With our SOC as a Service for businesses, your networks are analyzed by a managed security operations center. This allows your business to focus on your core strengths and enjoy the benefits of the most advanced IT talent on the cybersecurity front.
A security operations center (SOC) is a security team that works with organizations to protect against cyberattacks. A SOC is staffed by a group of cybersecurity experts, security analysts and IT engineers who are trained to detect, analyze, and respond to cybersecurity incidents and threats, and to prevent such instances from happening. SOC staff work with programs and tools that make it possible to stay on top of the latest security threats in the online world.
SOC teams utilize a range of technology and processes that are designed to spot system vulnerabilities and prevent possible occurrences of cybersecurity theft before they happen. When new viruses emerge and start to infect company systems throughout the military, business, and educational sectors, SOC teams are there to prevent the spread of these viruses and remove such bugs from the systems of companies already hit.
With SOC as a Service, companies get the kind of protection that stand-alone hardware security systems are unable to offer. With more than half of companies hit by cyber intrusions, any company that connects its computers to the internet could have its data stolen or its system infected by thieves or malicious intruders. In this digital age, cybercrime continues to be the #1 existential threat to small and medium sized businesses.
LG Networks’ SOC-as-a-service puts dedicated security experts in charge of monitoring the network activity of your businesses. With advanced skills and training, our SOC experts supply vital security updates as well as regular reports that assess the current state of network activity. With SOC-as-a-service, you will have better peace of mind knowing your computer systems are in the best of hands with advanced security.
SOC as a Service provides numerous security benefits for businesses that operate in today’s often volatile cyber world. By hiring third-party SOC teams to monitor company networks for security events, companies can save time and resources that might otherwise be spent analyzing their own networks for the off chance of cyber intrusions.
With so many hackers attacking systems around the world, few companies are safe from data leaks and viruses unless they take sufficient steps to identify and combat such threats. LG Network’s SOC-as-a-service team consists of experts who are trained with the most up-to-date cybersecurity skills.
From a managed security operations center, daily and even hourly analyses are performed on the networks and servers that companies use to conduct business and connect with customers around the world. Staffed with the most highly skilled cybersecurity analysts, our SOC as a Service team can pinpoint security events the moment they appear on the radar.
When cybersecurity breaks occur, businesses are often unaware of the problem for hours and sometimes days after the event takes place. Within that span of time, hackers can access the personal information of millions of customers, as well as vulnerable company data. Events like these can attract bad publicity and seriously damage a company’s reputation in the marketplace. Consequently, the loss of business can soar into the millions and even cause some companies to cease operations entirely.