Terms of Service

This document is designed as a description of services and serves to define, clarify, and govern the services described in the provided Service Order and quote. The LG Networks, Inc. Managed Services Catalog is subject to the terms of the LG Networks, Inc. Master Services Agreement. 

LG Networks, Inc. (LG Networks, Inc.) services are intended for the operational support of workstations, servers, applications and network equipment or other elements of a client environment as individually specified in the Service Order. 

All services requested by Client that fall outside of the terms of service will be considered projects, and will be quoted and billed as separate, individual services. 

To qualify for and engage in services, certain minimum standards must be met: 

  • All hardware and systems that are supported under the Service Order must have replaceable parts which are readily available, and all software must be genuine, currently licensed, and vendor supported. Should any hardware or systems fail to meet these provisions, they will be out-of-scope from any Service Order. Should 3rd party vendor support charges be required to resolve any issues, these charges will be passed on to the Client after first receiving the Client’s authorization to incur them. 
  • Except for the Hardware and Software provided by LG Networks, Inc. to carry out the agreed upon services (such as firewall hardware/licensing, antivirus licensing, etc.), any other hardware and software costs of any kind are not covered under the terms of service. 
  • All systems must be fully patched, covered by a licensed anti-virus solution protecting workstations and servers. Licensed and supported backup and firewall solutions protecting the environment are also a requirement. Pre-existing malware infections or other security incidents and any other costs required to bring an environment up to these standards are not included in service orders. 
  • LG Networks, Inc. must deem any equipment/services Client may want to add to an existing Service Order as acceptable after the effective date of a current Service Order.  The addition of equipment/services not included at the signing of a Service Order, if acceptable to the LG Networks, Inc., shall result in an adjustment to the Client’s monthly charges.


Length of Services

An LG Networks, Inc. Service Order is effective upon the date specified in the signed Service Order and shall remain in force for a period of thirty-six (36) months (hereinafter referred to as “Term”). At the expiration of this Term, the Service Order shall continue in effect on a month-to-month basis until canceled by either party on ninety (90) days’ written notice. 

The Service Order may be terminated by either Party upon ninety (90) days’ written notice for any reason; provided, however, in the event Client terminates the signed Service Order prior to the expiration of the Term, Client shall be liable for an Early Termination Fee in the amount specified below (hereinafter “Early Termination Fee”). 

Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Client shall not be liable for any Early Termination Fee in the event LG Networks, Inc. violates a material term of this Agreement and LG Networks, Inc. has not cured such violation within sixty (60) days after written notice from Client or, if such violation cannot reasonably be cured within said sixty (60) day period, if LG Networks, Inc. has not taken steps to cure the violation within such sixty (60) day period 

If either party terminates the Service Order, LG Networks, Inc. will assist Client in the orderly termination of services, including timely transfer of the services to another designated provider.  The Client agrees to pay the LG Networks, Inc. the actual costs of rendering such assistance other than removal of LG Networks, Inc. tools. 


Early Termination Fee

During the first twelve (12) months of the Term, the Early Termination fee shall be 50% of the highest level of Monthly Fees charged since the commencement of the Term for each of the remaining twelve (12) months PLUS 25% of the most current Monthly Fees for months thirteen (13) through twenty-four (24). 

During months thirteen (13) through twenty-four (24) of the Term the Early Termination Fee shall be 25% of the most current Monthly Fees for the remaining months through month twenty-four (24) PLUS 10% of months twenty-five (25) through thirty-six (36). 

During months twenty-five (25) through thirty-six (36) of the Term the Early Termination Fee shall be 10% of the most current Monthly Fees for the remaining months. 


Monthly / Quarterly / Annual Contract Review

The cost of your support agreement is based on several factors, including the number of endpoints being supported, the number of licenses, and services used, etc. The agreement is reviewed monthly by our team and your cost may increase/decrease based on the number of users, endpoints or licenses being used. A quarterly review is performed to provide a summary of service delivery metrics. 

Annually, your support contract will be reviewed. The contract price will be automatically increased by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) percentage or up to five percent (5%) on January 1 of each calendar year, pro-rated for the first calendar year of service. This increase is part of the contract and will be automatic. No special notice or approval is required. 

At the expiration of the defined agreement term the agreement will auto-renew month-to-month with a 9% increase.  Renewing a term agreement removes the increase. 


Proactive planning and management are key pieces to ensuring that your IT environment meets your needs for uptime, performance, and scalability. LG Networks, Inc. provides services across four primary disciplines—Support Services, Infrastructure Maintenance and Monitoring, Network Security and Strategic Consulting to ensure the highest levels of availability and security. 

24x7x365 US-Based Support Services 

LG Networks, Inc. offers Help and Service Desk services in alignment with the Information Technology International Library (ITIL). Tickets may be generated several ways including phone, email, and web portal to engage our teams during normal business hours of 7:00AM CST through 5:00PM CST. 

Ticket submissions via phone are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but please note that calls outside of the normal help desk may be subject to after-hours support fees. Tickets submitted via email or web portal outside of normal business hours will be reviewed and addressed on the next available business day, excluding public holidays. 

Contact Methods: 


LG Networks, Inc. will make a best effort to respond to all requests and incident tickets. It is assumed that tickets may be submitted by any employee of a client unless otherwise specified and a client representative assigned for approval. 

All support services provided to the client by LG Networks, Inc. will be completed by remote means if possible. LG Networks, Inc. will determine if an onsite visit is required. 

Upon receiving your ticket each item is categorized as a request or incident and assessed for both Impact and Urgency to determine the associated priority: 

Tickets have an associated response time objective for when a technician should be reaching out to start work. 

Staffed resources are an extension of our service team and will not be used to supplement other engagement opportunities such as account management, project services, or other non-support related functions within the organization. 

All standard service and after-hours support follow the MANAGED time expectations otherwise. 


Mobile Device Support

Smart phones and tablets are common in the workplace. Whether it is provided by the business or bring-your-own LG Networks, Inc.’s support services can help support users and their mobile devices. Our technicians can support an end user’s connectivity to business-related services such as email, line of business applications, mobile device management (MDM), and mobile application management (MAM) if relevant to the environment. 


Business Application Support

LG Networks, Inc.’s support services provide front line assistance to support specialized line of business applications such as accounting packages, CRM software, ERP software, phone systems (VOIP) etc. whether acquired from LG Networks, Inc. or any other source. Our team will help with basic troubleshooting to rule out common hardware, software, and network-related issues. If application specific support is required, LG Networks, Inc. technicians will triage and escalate to the application vendor’s support team and assist the vendor with troubleshooting and resolution as needed. 

As part of the services provided by LG Networks, Inc., clients are requested to have active support agreements for all line-of-business applications. If escalated support is not available from an associated vendor either through free or paid support or through a service contract, services beyond one hour of time spent to resolve issues may be billable at LG Networks, Inc.’s discretion. The cost of any 3rd party vendor or manufacturer support or incident fees of any kind are not covered by any LG Networks, Inc. service agreement. 


Microsoft 365 Modern Workplace Support

LG Networks, Inc. is a certified Cloud Services Provider (CSP) for Microsoft and can resell and support all common Modern Workplace licenses such as the Microsoft 365 Business and Enterprise software lines. Our Support services can help your users understand and work with the Microsoft Suite of applications, our Strategic Services can help you understand your current licensing and spend and review with you to optimize your usage to get the most and Professional Services can help deploy new Microsoft solutions from Teams phone systems to security solutions like encryption, mobile application management or Microsoft Intune. 


Flat Fee Workstation Deployment

Lifecycle management of your fleet of desktops and laptops is critical to keeping your team productive and happy. We know that it takes extra time and getting a new device can be disruptive to the end user. Our team will spend the extra time making sure that your users have what they need to hit the ground running when they get their new device. 


Learning Management System

Training your workforce on the Microsoft productivity suite can help increase not only knowledge but efficiency. We use tools like Teams, OneDrive, Outlook, etc. daily and the learning management system provided by LG Networks, Inc. is specifically focused on the Microsoft stack. Courses and learning paths are designed in beginner, intermediate and advanced sessions and built on a sequence of videos that are usually no more than a few minutes in length so you can pick and choose what you want or need to learn. 

We’ve also found over the years one of the largest impediments to technology adoption in your business is user training and familiarity around the product. As you look to continue to increase your usage of the various Microsoft products, our team can help pair up the correct learning paths with the projects we’re implementing to help with adoption success. 

Custom training plans and content are not included as part of the provided service. 


Security Awareness Training

Cybersecurity training is a must have in all businesses today. Whether it is because you do business in regulated industries or have a requirement from your insurance provider, keeping your team trained on how to identify and respond to potential cybersecurity risks is critical to your security posture. Because of this LG Networks, Inc. provides a solution that allows you to perform annual security awareness training for your entire team. You will be able to have your team go through the training, gauge their comprehension from the quizzes and track their progress. 

Our platform doesn’t stop there – security threats are ever present, and we want to ensure that your team is continually reminded to stay vigilant. To that end our solution provides weekly educational opportunities and micro training to ensure the security of your business stays in the front of your mind with your employees. 


Help Desk Service Exclusions

  • Parts, equipment, or software not covered by vendor/manufacturer warranty or support beyond reasonable assistance of LG Networks, Inc..
  • The cost of any parts, equipment, or shipping charges of any kind.
  • Any installation of new hardware/software. This includes, but is not limited to networking, server, and storage equipment, workstations, printers, security appliances and line of business applications.
  • The cost of any Software, Licensing, or Software Renewal or Upgrade Fees of any kind.
  • The cost to bring Client’s environment up to minimum standards required for Services.
  • Failure due to acts of God, building modifications, power failures or other adverse environmental conditions or factors.
  • Service and repair made necessary to servers or network equipment due to hardware or system alterations, extra-ordinary software installations, or other modifications of equipment made by Client’s employees or anyone other than LG Networks, Inc., without first communicating and coordinating with the LG Networks, Inc..
  • Troubleshooting and software support for printers is included but physical hardware and associated repairs is not.
  • Residential visits that are not previously approved by LG Networks, Inc.’s Director of Support Services.
  • Programming (modification of software code) and program (software) maintenance without first communicating and coordinating with the LG Networks, Inc..
  • Formal training Services of any kind.

Infrastructure Maintenance and Monitoring


Monitoring Services

LG Networks, Inc. provides monitoring services of Client’s workstations and servers via the installation of software agents on covered devices. The agents are deployable to Windows and Mac-based devices if the operating systems are current and supported. Correct operation of LG Networks, Inc.’s monitoring agents on unsupported operating systems is best effort. 

Monitoring of network and storage devices may be available depending on the make/model/feature set of individual devices. 

Common Events being monitored: 

Several other less common alerts are also monitored and alerted upon as needed.


Patching Services

LG Networks, Inc.’s monitoring services also include Windows-based patching services. The types of patches and when they are installed are outlined as below: 

  • Feature Updates: These types of patches for Windows-based workstations are generally released twice a year. These are the patches that introduce new feature sets and major improvements to the operating system. Because Feature Updates can introduce large changes to the operating system LG Networks, Inc. generally delays the release of these patches by 3 to 6 months unless critical security updates are included. 
  • Cumulative Updates: There are 2 types of Cumulative updates that are released by Microsoft monthly. The first type of cumulative update provides standard security improvements and quality fixes. These are released on the second Tuesday of each month and the LG Networks, Inc.’s patch install schedule is based off these releases. The second type of cumulative updates are released on the third and fourth weeks of the month and are usually preview, optional or non-security fixes. By default, this second type of update is not approved for installation by LG Networks, Inc.. 
  • Security Updates: Basic security updates are typically included in the monthly cumulative update package. Occasionally Microsoft releases critical security updates to remediate vulnerabilities. By default, these types of updates are automatically approved and pushed out for immediate installation. 


Standard Patch Maintenance Window

Windows Workstations:

  • Windows updates installed in real-time one (1) week after the second Tuesday of each month. Critical updates installed immediately upon release.
  • Post patch reboots scheduled daily between 3:00-5:00 AM local time to the device. This reboot can be customized on a per Client basis as needed.


Third-Party Application Patching

While Microsoft is the most looked at application for patching, the LG Networks, Inc.’s patching platform can patch some other commonly used applications as well. This includes applications like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Zoom, DropBox, 7-Zip and dozens of others. A service called Ninite is used to facilitate this patching and a full list of applications can be found at  https://www.ninite.com

The LG Networks, Inc. team may also be able to create custom application deployment and update scripts that can be deployed via its maintenance agent. Often the success of this is dependent on the individual application, how it was written, and the options available for automating the deployment or update processes. Because of this, custom scripts are provided on a best effort basis. 


Miscellaneous Infrastructure Patching

Numerous devices inside of a client’s infrastructure may require updates from time-to-time. Updates to key security assets such as antivirus and firewalls are detailed in the Security section of this document. Other devices such as storage networks, wireless access points and controllers, switches, etc. are all patched on an as-needed basis. Updating these devices can be disruptive to the business and most standard feature updates are unnecessary unless addressing a known performance or security flaw. 


Microsoft Azure Resource Management and Support

Like Microsoft 365 Modern Workplace Support, LG Networks, Inc.’s Cloud Solutions Provider status with Microsoft allows LG Networks, Inc. to sell and support your Azure cloud infrastructure. Working with the LG Networks, Inc. team will help ensure that patching, security, performance, and resource management are all reviewed and up to date so that your cloud infrastructure is able to meet the needs of your business. 

Our team consists of several Microsoft certified professionals and LG Networks, Inc. is a Microsoft Gold Partner. This means that our team is qualified to support many day-to-day requests and issues that may come up with your Azure infrastructure, if our team isn’t able to resolve the issue, we have additional escalated support via Microsoft to try and resolve issues as quickly as possible. 

With Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) LG Networks, Inc. can deploy all its standard remote monitoring, security and support services and extend those traditional offerings into Azure for your hosted servers and business. For additional information about those services like patching, application support, etc. please review the relevant sections. 


Web Content Filtering

LG Networks, Inc.’s web content filtering blocks access to internet content that may be offensive, inappropriate, or dangerous to help prevent web-based attacks that often come from sites hosting that content.  If a user navigates to a page blocked by the content filter a prompt will appear in the web browser notifying the user of the block and allowing them to submit a ticket to the LG Networks, Inc. help desk to review the request for safety and or seek approval from the client point of contact for creating an exception. 

Our standard policies block categories of websites including adult content, child abuse, filter avoidance, hate speech, illegal drugs, non-sexual nudity, and pornography. For a full list of additional content blocking options please check with an account representative. 

All web queries from within the defined company network will be routed through the content filtering services via configurations on servers/firewalls. LG Networks, Inc. also installs a remote agent on client laptops that forces web queries to route through the same content filters even if the device is not currently on the company network. 


Network Management

Whether it’s an internet router, network switch, wireless access point or any number of various other network devices our support team can help manage and administer your network to help keep your workplace connected. LG Networks, Inc.’s base Network Management services include the day-to-day support of the internal business network. The Network Operations Center (NOC) will also provide updates on devices as needed to troubleshoot identified issues. 




Firewall as a Service

LG Networks, Inc.’s comprehensive and layered approach to security includes protecting the gateway to your internal network via our managed firewalls. We will purchase, configure, deploy, and manage on-site security appliances that meet the needs of your IT infrastructure. As part of the service, LG Networks, Inc. deploys the Unified Threat Management licensing bundle that includes additional firewall protections such as intrusion prevention, gateway antivirus, web blocking and spam blocking.


Server Backup

Every business should have a solid plan for backing up and recovering critical business servers and user data. LG Networks, Inc.’s on-premises solution is available to ensure local backups are being taken and reviewed on a regular basis, copies of your backups are stored securely offsite in a cloud repository and the devices and data are protected as best as possible from external threats. Our services include the necessary hardware to store your backups, licensing, and cloud storage. Local data residing on desktops and laptops is excluded from protection, 

LG Networks, Inc. has elevated the state of backup monitoring and testing to include daily checks on server backups that include bootability, operating system health, data corruption and file system and application integrity.  Additionally, the LG Networks, Inc. infrastructure backup platform has implemented a 2-factor authorization process for the deletion of data as well as additional time lapse and tiered storage to reduce the risk of malicious or accidental deletion of data. 

Depending on internet upload speed and data footprint (a minimum upload speed of 5MB is generally required) data is synced with our cloud repositories on a daily basis. Clients are responsible for providing an adequate upload speed through their internet service provider to allow for backups to replicate offsite in a timely manner, less than adequate speeds or interruptions of internet service may delay or prevent offsite syncing. In the event of a disaster recovery scenario LG Networks, Inc. would be able to virtualize your environment in the cloud temporarily while services are recovered physically. Disaster recovery scenario testing of your environment is available as a project on an as needed basis. 

The default retention settings for backups include an hourly backup during business hours for 3 days, a daily snapshot of 2 weeks, a weekly snapshot for 8 weeks and a monthly snapshot for up to 3 months. These settings may be adjusted on a per server basis, depending on performance, space limitations or data retention needs. Increases in the amount of servers backed up, retention requirements or storage may increase the cost of services provided. 

Restoration of data during business hours is included in LG Networks, Inc. service agreements. LG Networks, Inc. will attempt to restore individual files and services within 4 business hours or less based on the priority and severity of the request. In the event of a disaster where the physical servers are lost, LG Networks, Inc. will work with the client to determine a local or cloud recovery strategy until physical hardware is available. Additional fees for full restoration of failed servers or extended cloud run time may apply. The recovery time objectives will be attempted in a best effort manner and may be affected by external factors outside of LG Networks, Inc.’s control. These include but are not limited to hardware availability, amount of data to be recovered and applicable internet speeds.


Microsoft 365 Backup

Many companies have moved several of their core IT needs to Microsoft cloud solutions and whether it be email or file storage like SharePoint or OneDrive. There is a common misconception that just being in the cloud is safe, but we’ve run across enough situations over the years where a user accidently deleted something months ago, emails need to be restored for legal purposes, etc. and because of this LG Networks, Inc. has included backup of these common Microsoft services in all our agreements. 

LG Networks, Inc.’s Microsoft 365 backup platform can back up Exchange Online, OneDrive, SharePoint and Teams data. Backup snap shots are taken at least three times per day and follow the same retention policies as Infrastructure Backups. Data is stored outside Microsoft’s standard cloud environment and protected with encryption. 


NextGen Endpoint Protection

Traditional Antivirus solutions are no longer good enough to protect business environments and many insurance companies are requiring more advanced solutions to be in place to be able to qualify for cyber liability policies. To ensure that your end points are protected LG Networks, Inc. has partnered with a couple of industry leaders including Microsoft and actively manages updates, potential threats, and company policies. LG Networks, Inc. has included advanced endpoint protection and EDR to provide even deeper suspicious activity and threat telemetry to help uncover security threats that may otherwise be invisible to more traditional detection means. This is another piece of our solution that also helps to ensure compliance with several regulations like HIPAA, CMMC and even new cyber liability policies. 

Viruses and spyware are an ever-changing threat to workstations, servers, and network equipment.  Because of this reality, LG Networks, Inc. will remove, and repair damage caused by a virus infection on a “best effort” basis and in accordance with industry best practices. Damages caused by and recovery from virus definitions not detected or quarantined by an up-to-date version of the anti-virus software (zero-day) are not covered by this agreement. 


Managed Detection and Response

LG Networks, Inc. is more than confident in its security team and stack of security solutions, but we’ve always believed in a multi-layered approach. Because of that approach and our desire to make sure someone has eyes on your environment as much as possible, we’ve partnered with an external Security Operations Center operating 24×7 that has their team of security analysts constantly reviewing and alerting on potential security threats through several different techniques. 


Multi-Factor Authentication

By this point our hope and goal is that all businesses have MFA protecting most of their core application stack, especially Microsoft 365. With NextGen MFA we’re bringing the protection of secondary credential verification to the device level and requiring that same 2-step process that you use to protect email and other applications for your desktops, laptops, servers, VPN connections. 

LG Networks, Inc. has partnered with Cisco Duo, a market leading provider for multifactor authentication tools. Licensing for active users is included in the agreement with a basic deployment and includes configuration of multifactor authentication for Microsoft 365, workstation login and VPN connection login. Advanced configurations that include additional options such as conditional access policies require additional Microsoft licensing that is not included by LG Networks, Inc. and may result in additional licensing fees from Microsoft. 


Email Phishing Simulation

With the LG Networks, Inc. security platform, we automatically send out simulated phishing campaigns monthly to help keep your staff on their toes, remind them that security is an ever-present idea and make sure that your team is doing everything in their power to help keep your environment safe and secure. You can log into our phishing portal to check on the status of the monthly campaigns and which employees are doing well, and which may need a little help. 


Dark Web Monitoring

The LG Networks, Inc. security platform is also configured to help scan the dark web for traces of your corporate domain. All too often we see employees use the same password for multiple websites, SaaS applications or anywhere on the web where credentials are needed for access. This helps to see if any company accounts have or had been compromised and leaked by various other companies or services having compromises that may have involved your user data.


Advanced Email Protection

LG Networks, Inc. has partnered with Microsoft and will help correctly license and configure your Microsoft 365 tenant with Microsoft Defender for Office 365. The configuration of these technologies will unlock certain protections like Safe Attachments and Safe Links that scan inbound email and documents for files containing potential malware or sites known to be used by bad actors to gain access to your environment. On top of those critical pieces of protection it provides additional layers of anti-spam/phish/spoof/malware protections to help stop those potentially compromising emails from even making it to your employees or at least make them aware that the email may be risky. 

Licensing for Defender for 365 is included with Microsoft 365 Business Premium or Microsoft Enterprise E3 or higher licensing. If the appropriate license doesn’t exist Defender for 365 is $2.00/license/month. Any mailbox including shared mailboxes that you’d like to be protected must be licensed. 


Vulnerability Scanning

several methods for discovering and monitoring network assets. This asset list including devices like workstations, servers, firewalls, printers, and more are reviewed against several sources including the NIST National Vulnerability Database looking for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs). Depending on the frequency of scanning included, a report including the list of discovered critical, high, and medium vulnerabilities will be provided.


Endpoint Encryption

When your users travel, they probably take your organization’s confidential data with them. Windows and Apple operating systems utilize BitLocker and File Vault respectively to encrypt at-rest data on your company devices. LG Networks, Inc. can deploy hard drive encryption to company devices to ensure the data remains safe from unauthorized access, once deployed our service teams will continue with monitoring and administration of your environment’s disk encryption.


Mobile Application Management

App protection policies via Microsoft Intune for mobile devices allow your organization to protect apps and data on Android and iOS devices. This protection includes the ability to set policies on how email, share files and data and other personal data are managed on both personal and company devices. Common policies like requiring a PIN, blocking copy and paste and blocking backups to cloud services are a few examples. 

LG Networks, Inc.’s security platform includes the initial configuration of these policies and ongoing changes and administration. Licensing for Microsoft Intune is included with Microsoft 365 Business Premium or Microsoft Enterprise E3 or higher licensing or can be added to other Microsoft 365 licenses for an additional cost. 


Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

LG Networks, Inc.’s security platform allows for integration with SIEM to help collect, aggregate, and analyze the logs from a variety of sources including workstations, servers, network devices and cloud security services. Logs are stored for up to 12 months and are actively reviewed against the latest threat intel.


Strategic Services


Procurement Services

Understanding the landscape of new hardware technology can be a challenge. LG Networks, Inc. has established relationships with many of the top distributors in the country and can help research and procure the correct hardware and software on your behalf.


IT Strategy & Planning Guidance

LG Networks, Inc. understands that technology success is more than just keeping the lights on the servers green. At a minimum clients will meet annually with one of LG Networks, Inc.’s vCIOs to review the strategic alignment. The goal of these planning sessions is to help develop up to a 36-month road map of initiatives designed to achieve the technology goals within our client organizations. If business needs change during the periods between review, our vCIOs are available on an as-needed basis to help navigate the changes in business requirements.


Budget Coordination and Review

If the client organization operates off an annual or similar budget, our vCIO team can sit down and help understand and map out planned technology spend throughout the budget to help ensure alignment between strategy, timeline, and expense to help minimize any budgetary exceptions or surprises.


Vendor Coordination and Review

There are several vendors that generally make up and support your technology environment and wrangling them all to accomplish goals can be problematic. Our Strategic Services team is available to help review those vendors on a regular basis to ensure that you’re getting what you need, managing your expenses and planning for the future with those services.


IT Lifecycle Planning and Review

The lifecycle of your technology is an important facet of your infrastructure that needs to be reviewed and planned for on a regular basis. Whether it’s creating and managing a device refresh cycle for your fleet of laptops and workstations, managing the warranties on various devices or planning for the end of life of operating systems and software, the LG Networks, Inc. Strategic Services and Revenue teams can ensure that you’re planning and accounting for those expenses in a constructive manner.


Service Reporting and Analytics

Often IT support is seen as a black box that makes it hard to understand what is happening on a daily or monthly basis. LG Networks, Inc. has created several different service reporting and analytics options to help better present this information to our clients. This includes real-time access to tickets via our web portal, monthly executive summary reports and if requested can provide real-time dashboards to show key information like tickets, ticket trending, tickets by user, patching statuses and more.