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Two monitors are better than one


The number of hours worked by managers and employees, on average, has risen over the past 20 years.

Are we working longer hours because there’s just too much work to be done? Or are we working longer hours to make up for our lower productivity, due to time spent on non-work activities like social media? For the vast majority, it’s most likely the latter. If you had two monitors, you could see your productivity increase.

For those who don’t use dual monitors, it can seem a bit over the top. Why split your work between two monitors when you can concentrate it all on one? As it turns out, there are a number of benefits to using dual monitors.

Productivity bump 

Many employees and managers spend their day multitasking, it can be hard to do this with just one monitor; constantly switching between programs. With two screens, employees can have a spreadsheet open on one monitor and email, social media or another program on the other. This means less time is spent switching between windows and programs. Several studies have been done on this, and show that productivity can be boosted by as much as 40% with dual monitors.

Spread out a bit 

The other main benefit of using dual screens is that you have more work space. If you’re working with a program like Adobe Photoshop or various social media websites, you need to have a larger work space to see what you’re doing. You can put your vital resources on one monitor, and the program on another, thus allowing you to work faster.

While dual monitors are advantageous, be aware that there can be negative aspects to a user’s health and wellbeing if they have to constantly turn their head to view two screens. Be sure to set up your monitors so that there’s minimal turning of your head.

If you feel that your office could do with an increase in productivity, contact us. We can work with you to reach your results.

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