Work From Home and Employee Productivity

As we all begin to return to work and things are getting more in motion, some companies are realizing that having their employees work from home is actually more productive. However, they fear that they may get a bit slack over time and want a way to track what they are doing. When it comes to employee productivity you want the best out of what you have. It is important that you track what screens they are looking at and ensure they are not doing something that could bring you a lawsuit. This also helps with:
The world is changing and more and more people are working from a computer. We have all kinds of different computer operations out there and ensuring they are all working as they should is important. Data and information can be shared far faster than ever before, which is why it is important that you monitor from the inside to ensure that your data is safe with those that are using it.

Simplifying Your Technology A Simple Dashboard to Monitor All Activity

Our employee monitoring software will help you monitor all of this in a simple dashboard. Don’t get overwhelmed with everything that it can do. As it can do a lot, but an easy to navigate dashboard will keep things all in perspective and help you narrow down the bottlenecks of your operation. This software can give you peace of mind that your data is not only safe but the workforce is using it as they should. You can monitor an individual and see what they did for the day on their computer screen. This helps you see how productive that person was for the day.
You can also observe how they use certain software, to determine if there are areas that could be improved as to how they were trained to use it. This allows you to also see the processes in which different people process similar data and determine faster and more optimal methods of saying data input. Some people are a wiz at figuring out how to do things more efficiently and we can learn from those people with this software.

Here Are a Few Reasons How Your Organization Benefits From Employee Monitoring

By monitoring your data in our software you will be able to improve the operational efficiency of your team by:

  • Have accurate baselines that reflect your business.
  • Try to lower the spikes in workflow by understanding them better.
  • Have a better understanding of time management for employees and how much they need for the given tasks.
  • Manage overhead with better application usage and visibility.
  • Find the bottlenecks and resolve them.

This information is extremely helpful for growth.  When you eliminate expectations that exceed the actual capabilities of the company and visually see why you can adjust.  It is that simple.  This portion of the software alone makes it worth the investment.

Do you have employees that are consistently outperforming the others?  Ever wonder why?  Is it how they process their workload?  Maybe they are more efficient at the software they are required to use or have had better training.  Perhaps their counterparts are watching YouTube half the day on your dime.  You won’t really know until you get this software.  It will:

  • Spy on what your employee has up on their screen.
  • Help you know how much they are actually working at their computer and when the computer is idle.  
  • Allow you to help remove time-wasting practices and identify those that may need additional training.
  • See what your employee is seeing on their monitor. 
  • Get a better grasp on who is working efficiently and who isn’t.
  • Identify areas that may need improvement with better software.
  • See when an employee simply has too much work to complete in the allocated time and adjust.
  • Allow behavior accountability.

As remote working is being more and more normalized in many industries we are seeing a growing need for this monitoring style software.  You are paying your employee to get a certain level of work done.  If they are repeatedly not living up to the expectations, you need to understand why.  Sometimes it is too distracting in their home and they aren’t staying at their computer doing the work.  Other times it could be that there is too much work to get done in the allocated time frame.  The second one is something that you can address and figure out.  It is easy to forget that there is a person that is performing all the work when you don’t see that person in the office daily.

If you are worried about your sensitive data, you can monitor the usage of the data that each person has access to.  You may set up alarms that will alert you should say someone saves to a USB drive or other external device.  Insider threats are very difficult to catch and monitor without hindering the employees’ productivity.  However, with this software, you can see the steps that lead to the employee doing what they are doing.  This allows you to monitor what data is being sent to the outside, should you need this feature. 

While you are monitoring employees you can view what the user intent is with each keystroke they perform. You can watch them as they perform their work and ensure they are not putting any code or something that would harm your files and infrastructure. PII data needs to be carefully monitored and protected. PII (Personal Identifiable Information) is data that is very personal and needs extra protection such as a person’s full name, social security, and bank account information, and more. This sensitive data can be used for a variety of illegal things such as a person taking over that identity, putting that person into loads of debt, and vanishing. They could sell this information on the black market for others to do the same. Protecting your company’s data is very important and monitoring how it is used is equally important. This software can help with both.

See How LG Networks Can Help Your Organization’s Work From Home Infrastructure With Employee Monitoring Software
